We are inviting you to become part of the Jewish Voice 24-7 Prayer Watch. This is a 24-7 global prayer calendar populated by partners and friends like you from around the world. We are calling intercessors and prayer warriors. We are calling any and all people who are humbly bold enough to regularly come before our heavenly Father in simple prayer for Israel, the Jewish people, and the nations — believing that, in response, He will do great things!
- Select the time you’d like to pray by clicking "Pray with us!". If someone has already signed up for that time, you can still select it by clicking the people-plus icon
- You’ll be prompted to log into your Jewish Voice Partner Portal account
- Once you enter your login information, you’ll be asked to confirm or cancel your prayer time. You also have the option to make it a recurring commitment and choose the frequency
- You can also request reminder emails and select the time you’d like to receive them